Inherent energy of space

In this model, space is composed of two types of energy:  potential energy and kinetic energy.  These two types of energy are responsible for everything we see in our universe.

The basic components of the energy of space are 1-D bidirectional units of energy.  Each 1-D basic unit of energy consists of the same 1-D energy density and the same amount of total energy, and may move inward and outward from center to adjust its potential energy to its kinetic energy.  In other words, if a 1-D unit of energy possesses more kinetic energy at a given moment, the 1-D energy will have less potential energy and will move inward toward center as a result.  When the unit of 1-D energy has less kinetic energy at a given moment, the 1-D energy will have more potential energy, so will move outward from center.

The basic 1-D units of the energy of space are not electromagnetic energy, but rather governed by random motion and distribution relative to each other.  The basic components of the energy of space compose a dynamic equilibrium through this random motion and distribution.  The basic 1-D units of space move to provide greater directional balance to the overall energy system.  The greater the randomness, the greater the directional balance.

So what dictates the size of each 1-D bidirectional unit of the energy of space?  Believe me, I hesitate to go here, but for this brief moment, let’s imagine a “universe” filled with “nothing.”  So this is what gives “birth” to the inherent energy of space.  Now you may be thinking, this is where in the equation it says, “then a miracle happens.”  And who can blame you?  To be honest, I feel the same way, but I’m going there anyway.

If we can stretch our imaginations to think of “nothing” as perfectly nonrandom, then it would represent an extremely high energy level.  Everything in our universe moves toward greater entropy, or disorder, or randomness.    “Nothingness” would be the opposite.  It would be totally nonrandom.  It would have “nothing” to become random.  It would represent perfect order.

So if the perfect order of “nothingness” moved toward a lower energy level as you would expect, then it would break itself into enough components to achieve a degree of randomness.  Eventually, it would break itself into an optimum number of components with an optimum amount of energy to provide an optimum directional balance to the system.  This system, existing at its lowest possible energy level, would then be an energy system in a state of dynamic equilibrium.  So the degree of randomness required for optimum directional balance would govern the size of each 1-D unit of the energy of space.  Then, absolute nothingness has given birth to somethingness with optimal directional balance.

However, the “universe” as we know it does not maintain an optimal directional balance or perfect randomness.  Since its energy is random, there is always a probability that it will become nonrandom.  When the energy of space becomes nonrandom, it forms “unidirectional” energy or “electric” energy.  Then the adjacent directionally balanced energy of space acts to provide directional balance to the unidirectional or electric energy by forming magnetic energy perpendicular to the newly formed electric energy, resulting in electromagnetic energy.  This will be covered in future blogs (or can be viewed on