
Welcome to entangledenergy.net.  The purpose of this site is to share ideas about hypothetical elementary energy systems.  The ideas presented here are conceptual, and are being shared in hopes they may spark ideas in others that lead to discoveries and useful applications.

Topics covered include:

  • the inherent energy of space
  • unidirectional (electric) energy
  • energies that provide directional balance:
      • magnetic energy
      • time energy
      • gravitational gradients
  • structure of elementary particles
  • entanglement
  • entanglement in atoms
  • atomic nucleus structure (minus neutrons)
  • charge field produced by oscillating strength of gravitational energy gradient of elementary particles.

This website represents one of three sites, each building upon one another. The second site is entanglednucleons.net that considers the possibility of atomic nuclei existing without neutrons.  The third site is entangledstardust.net, focusing on how elementary energy systems and large energy systems may behave and interact.