Welcome to entangledenergy.net

Hello, and thanks for stopping by to visit entangledenergy.net, a website designed to share ideas about hypothetical elementary energy systems. Many of the ideas presented here do not agree with widely accepted interpretations of experimental evidence. The purpose of this site is to share these ideas in hopes that they will spark ideas in others that lead to new discoveries and applications.

This website is one of three websites that build on each other. The second one is entanglednucleons.net and shares ideas about atomic structure, focusing on nuclear structure and behavior.  The third one is entangledstardust.net, and considers some ideas on how particles are born and begin their journey.

One thought on “Welcome to entangledenergy.net”

  1. I had an idea of how to always be everywhere.

    If particles can be entangled, can energy be entangled?
    In the singularity (or origin) that has been spitting out galaxies for the last 13.7 billion years, or the origin that has been creating multiverses, entangled particles have been created, could entangled energy be created also?
    Since energy cannot be created or destroyed eternity can be explained (the always).
    Entanglement allows for instantaneous communication everywhere.
    It seems logical that energy is required for consciousness, as demonstrated by the apparent lack of consciousness when AI computers or humans are turned off.
    If the energy can be shared, perhaps shared consciousness, or consciousness without matter can exist.
    If there is no reason why energy can not travel from influencing mater to influencing dark mater perhaps we could explain more of our observations.

    Chris Wtipil
    Merritt Island, FL

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