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	<title>alolmsted &#8211; Entangled Energy</title>
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		<title>Review and Editing Completed 7-17-21</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 19 Jul 2021 03:15:15 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=2685</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Entangledenergy.net, entanglednucleons.net, and entangledstardust.net have all been reviewed and edited as of 7-17-21. Next step is proof-reading, but the material on these sites should be up-to-date. Thank you for your patience.]]></description>
<p>Entangledenergy.net, entanglednucleons.net, and entangledstardust.net have all been reviewed and edited as of 7-17-21.  Next step is proof-reading, but the material on these sites should be up-to-date.  Thank you for your patience.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">2685</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Revision and Editing of &#8216;entangledenergy.net&#8217; Update</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 13 May 2021 15:14:48 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=2154</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Please note: To date, May 13, 2021, the website &#8216;entangledenergy.net&#8217; has been reviewed and updated from the beginning through &#8216;Entangled Chemistry.&#8217; This website and its two companion websites &#8216;entanglednucleons.net&#8217; and &#8216;entangledstardust.net&#8217; will continue to be reviewed and updated over the next few months. Thank you for your patience!]]></description>
<p>Please note:  To date, May 13, 2021, the website &#8216;entangledenergy.net&#8217; has been reviewed and updated from the beginning through &#8216;Entangled Chemistry.&#8217;  This website and its two companion websites &#8216;entanglednucleons.net&#8217; and &#8216;entangledstardust.net&#8217; will continue to be reviewed and updated over the next few months.  Thank you for your patience!</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">2154</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Matter vs. antimatter</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 04 May 2018 13:39:46 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=973</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Let&#8217;s only consider elementary energy systems here &#8230;. as opposed to composite energy systems, such as protons and other larger particles. Elementary energy systems consist of 1-D, 2-D, or possibly 3-D electromagnetic interactions.  Photons consist of 1-D electromagnetic interactions and electrons consist of 2-D electromagnetic interactions.  Protons may possess a component that consists of 3-D &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/05/04/matter-vs-antimatter/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Matter vs. antimatter</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Let&#8217;s only consider elementary energy systems here &#8230;. as opposed to composite energy systems, such as protons and other larger particles.</p>
<p>Elementary energy systems consist of 1-D, 2-D, or possibly 3-D electromagnetic interactions.  Photons consist of 1-D electromagnetic interactions and electrons consist of 2-D electromagnetic interactions.  Protons may possess a component that consists of 3-D electromagnetic interactions, but that will be discussed at a later time.</p>
<p>Photons consist of 1-D unidirectional energy that has been created by nonrandom energy of 1-D space.  This unidirectional energy composes the 1-D electric component of the photon.  It moves outward from origin or system center toward a lower energy level (i.e., lower energy density) by transferring some of its energy to the inherent energy of space, thereby displacing it.  The energy of space reacts by forming a 1-D magnetic energy component at 90 degrees with its newly acquired energy to provide directional balance to the 1-D electric component.  At the same time, a 1-D time energy component forms at 180 degrees to its &#8220;sister&#8221; 1-D magnetic component to provide it directional balance and to maintain the directional balance of the inherent energy of space.  However, the 1-D time energy immediately dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms.  This provides directional balance to the formation of the 1-D magnetic energy while allowing it to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.</p>
<p>1-D electromagnetic (e-m) energy does not possess a <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/gravitational-energy-gradient/">gravitational energy gradient</a> since it takes 2-D or 3-D space to form such a gradient.  A gravitational energy gradient is formed by the inherent energy of space by increasing the ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy of space inward toward a body of mass (or more accurately, a body of mass-energy).  This is not possible in 1-D space.  As a result, 1-D electromagnetic energy possesses no gravitational energy gradient, and instead possesses unidirectional motion at v = c along a path that is analogous to the center of gravity for 2-D and 3-D elementary energy systems.  And 1-D electromagnetic energy systems do not possess &#8220;antimatter.&#8221;  That is not to say they cannot possess &#8220;mirror images&#8221; of themselves, but since they possess no gravitational energy gradient, they do not possess confined energy or mass.</p>
<p>On the other hand, <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/electron-structure/">electrons</a> consist of 2-D electromagnetic energy, and the inherent energy of space forms a 2-D gravitational energy gradient about the electron to provide directional balance to its total energy outward from system center.  However, since the 2-D electromagnetic energy of the electron cycles through high and low energy levels, the strength of its 2-D gravitational energy gradient does the same, fluctuating in strength with each e-m oscillation.  The changing strength of the gravitational energy gradient produces the <a href="http://entangledstardust.net/index.php/oscillation-of-gravitational-gradient-charge/">charge field</a> surrounding the electron.</p>
<p>Electric energy displacement of 2-D space requires more energy than displacement of 1-D space.  As a result, the 2-D electric component of the electron is the dominant energy in its structure as opposed to the 1-D energy along its axis of spin.  In the electron structure, its 2-D electric energy moves outward from system center toward a lower energy level (i.e., lower energy density), and then returns back to system center along the 1-D axis of spin.  Since the 2-D electric energy is the dominant energy in the system, this creates a stable structure existing at lowest possible energy level.</p>
<p>For the electron&#8217;s antimatter counterpart, the <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/positron-structure-2/">positron</a>, its 2-D electric energy moves inward toward system center, going from lower energy level (i.e., lower energy density) to higher energy level (i.e., higher energy density) &#8211; analogous to a river flowing uphill.  This represents a 2-D e-m energy system at a <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/positron-structure/">high energy level</a>, which is not naturally sustainable since energy wants to move from a high energy level toward a lower energy level.</p>
<p><a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/entanglement-of-identical-particles/">Entangled electron/positron particles</a> (i.e., e-+/e+- and e+-/e-+ particles) provide optimal directional balance for each other.  Both entangled partners alternate e-m directionality (i.e., oscillating from a positron to an electron or vice versa with every e-m interaction) and interchange identities with each e-m interaction.  This maintains a stable structure for the entangled particles.  However, when the particles become <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/disentanglement/">disentangled</a>, the positron structure will now exist at a high energy level since its 2-D electric energy moves from low energy to high energy level (i.e., energy density), it is likely to convert to an electron structure at its earliest opportunity.  This may help explain why there is more &#8220;visible&#8221; matter in our universe than antimatter.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">973</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Basic 1-D units of energy of space</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 27 Apr 2018 21:33:44 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=967</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[In this model, space itself is composed of basic 1-D bidirectional units of energy in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other.  The 1-D bidirectional units of energy may each move outward toward lower energy density or inward toward higher energy density to maintain the inherent energy density of space.  The randomness of &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/27/basic-1-d-units-of-energy-of-space/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Basic 1-D units of energy of space</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this model, space itself is composed of basic 1-D bidirectional units of energy in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other.  The 1-D bidirectional units of energy may each move outward toward lower energy density or inward toward higher energy density to maintain the inherent energy density of space.  The randomness of motion and distribution of the basic 1-D units of energy also maintain the inherent energy density and directional balance of space.</p>
<p>But, there may be another component of 1-D bidirectional units of space that contributes to the directional balance of the inherent energy of space.  When each of the 1-D bidirectional units of energy move outward from or inward to its center, its total energy remains the same.  In other words, all 1-D bidirectional units of energy of space each possess the same amount of total energy.  They can only vary their 1-D energy density to accommodate their local environment.</p>
<p>However, each 1-D bidirectional unit of energy probably spins in opposing directions along its length whenever it moves outward from center or inward to system center.  When the 1-D energy moves relative to its system center in opposing directions, it needs to maintain optimal directional balance, and may do so by each side spinning along its length in opposing directions.  This sets up the same poles at each end with an opposing pole existing at system center.</p>
<p>This spin is significant with elementary particles as well.  Opposing energies may require spin to provide optimal directional balance.  For example, 1-D photons consist of three energies:  1-D electric, 1-D magnetic, and 1-D time.  When a 1-D electric energy moves outward toward a lower energy level by transferring some of its energy to the inherent energy of space, the energy of space reacts by forming a 1-D magnetic component to directionally balance the 1-D electric energy.  As the 1-D magnetic energy forms, a 1-D time energy forms at 180 degrees to its &#8220;sister&#8221; magnetic energy to provide directional balance to the 1-D magnetic energy, and thereby maintain the directional balance of the inherent energy of space.  As the 1-D time energy forms, it immediately dissipates back into the random energy of space.  This allows its &#8220;sister&#8221; magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.</p>
<p>The 1-D magnetic energy and the 1-D time energy are provided by the inherent of space, and are most likely produced from a single basic 1-D bidirectional unit of 1-D space, with 1/2 of the basic 1-D unit of energy forming the 1-D magnetic energy and the opposing 1/2 of the basic 1-D unit of energy forming the 1-D time energy.  The maximum amount of 1-D magnetic energy per electromagnetic interaction, then, would be equal to one-half of a basic 1-D bidirectional unit of energy of space.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">967</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Entangled particles as a phase?</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 16 Apr 2018 01:56:59 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Entangled Energy]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=897</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Steam, water, and ice.  Could it be that particles also exist in phases?  It&#8217;s reasonable to think that particles behave differently in different environments.  Particles at the core of a star in an extremely strong gravitational energy gradient and an enormous amount of pressure fuse to produce heavier particles.  The conditions at the core of &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/16/entangled-particles-as-a-phase/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Entangled particles as a phase?</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Steam, water, and ice.  Could it be that particles also exist in phases?  It&#8217;s reasonable to think that particles behave differently in different environments.  Particles at the core of a star in an extremely strong <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/gravitational-energy-gradient/">gravitational energy gradient</a> and an enormous amount of pressure fuse to produce heavier particles.  The conditions at the core of a star possess a very high ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy of space (i.e., a very strong gravitational energy gradient), leaving relatively little kinetic energy with which to produce electromagnetic interactions.  As a result, there is a very slow rate of electromagnetic interaction, and a correspondingly slow rate of time at the core of a star.  In addition, due to the strong gravitational energy gradient, there is also extreme pressure.  This apparently creates an environment where Hydrogen can fuse to form Helium, and eventually where larger particles can fuse to form even larger particles, up to Iron.</p>
<p>On the other extreme, at temperatures near absolute zero, particles tend to act like bosons, together forming a single energy entity.  The individual particles act in concert with each other as a single energy entity.</p>
<p>So what happens in an atom?  In this model, the <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/entangled-nucleons/">atomic structure</a> is composed of nucleons and orbital particles.  The nucleons are composed of large particles with alternating electromagnetic (e-m) directionality with every e-m interaction.  In other words, in one e-m interaction, the 2-D or 3-D electric energy moves inward toward system center (+) and the next e-m interaction, its 2-D or 3-D electric energy moves outward from system center (-).  <a href="http://entanglednucleons.net/index.php/intro-to-atomic-structure/">Nucleons</a> do not include neutrons as widely accepted.  Instead, the majority of nucleons consist of 2 X proton mass (2 X pm).  It is also possible for a nucleon to consist of 1 X pm, but more commonly, a nucleon may consist of 3 X pm.</p>
<p>In this model, orbital particles consist of 2-D particles with <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=79&amp;action=edit">alternating e-m directionality</a>.  Orbital particles are the size of an electron or a positron, but alternate between the two identities with each e-m interaction.  So in one e-m interaction, an orbital particle is an electron (-), and the next e-m interaction it is a positron (+).</p>
<p>Orbital particles occupying the same orbital possess opposing e-m directionality with every e-m interaction and are entangled with each other.  In addition, each orbital particle is also entangled with a nucleon at a corresponding energy level in the nucleus.  The atom possesses a strong gravitational energy gradient.  The orbital particles exist in a region of relatively weak gravitational energy gradient while the nucleons exist in a region of very strong gravitational energy gradient.  Yet, each orbital particle is entangled with a nucleon partner.  Since the orbital particles exist in regions of weak gravitational energy gradient, they possess a significantly higher rate of e-m interaction, and a correspondingly faster rate of time, than that of their entangled nucleon partners.  However, the entangled nucleons possess the same high rate of e-m interaction as their entangled orbital partners.  But, since the nucleons exist in a region of very strong gravitational gradient, they would otherwise possess a slower rate of e-m interaction.  So, as a result of entanglement, the <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/nucleon-size/">nucleons possess significantly more energy-mass</a> than their entangled orbital partners.</p>
<p>In the same strength gravitational energy gradient, would orbital particles and nucleons be identical?  In other words, if nucleons existed in the same region that orbital particles exist (a long distance from the nucleus in a weak gravitational energy gradient), would they possess the same physical properties, including total energy-mass?  If so, then the much larger nucleons simply exist in an environment in the atomic nucleus (i.e., very strong gravitational energy gradient, with nucleons entangled with orbital particle partners) in which nucleons represent a different phase than their much smaller orbital particle counterparts.  This may be analogous to water existing as ice versus water existing as a gas.</p>
<p>Entangled partners in an atomic system may consist of orbital particles occupying the same orbital, and possibly orbital particles within the same energy subshell (e.g., 2p3, etc.).  Keep in mind that each of these entangled orbital partners are also entangled with a nucleon that exists at a corresponding nuclear orbital, and energy subshell within the nucleus.  The orbital particles entangled with orbital partners may act as a single energy entity, much like particles that act as bosons near absolute zero.  The same is true with nucleons entangled with nucleon partners.  They may also act as a single energy entity, essentially forming a &#8220;separate energy structure&#8221; that possesses its own quantum properties.</p>
<p>The question is:  Do orbital particles entangled with nucleon partners also act as a single energy entity, forming a &#8220;separate energy structure&#8221; with its own quantum properties?  This would create a quite complex atomic structure in terms of calculating net system quantum properties such as spin.</p>
<p>For purposes of the model presented on <a href="http://entanglednucleons.net">entanglednucleons.net</a>, only the entangled nucleons are used to form separate structures that determine nuclear spin.</p>
<p>PHASES:  Is it possible that elementary particles, themselves, exist in phases?  As discussed above, this may be the case in atomic energy structures where otherwise &#8220;identical&#8221; particles may exist either as orbital particles or as much larger nucleons.  Even outside the atomic energy system, elementary energy may exist as a particle, as a wave, as potential energy, as kinetic energy, as entangled energy, as disentangled energy.  Could it be that when particles are entangled, they act collectively as a single energy entity in which one particle is not distinguishable from another, where entangled particles interchange identities with every e-m interaction?  This entangled energy system may constitute a phase.  On the other hand, disentangled particles act as distinguishable individuals, each with its own set of quantum properties.  In this case, each disentangled particle possesses its own gravitational energy gradient, and non-alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction, so that its 2-D electric energy either moves outward from system center with each e-m interaction (i.e., electron) or its 2-D electric energy moves inward to system center with each e-m interaction (i.e., positron).  Again, perhaps this condition constitutes a phase.</p>
<p>In the case of entangled energy systems, if they constitute a phase, that phase would be characterized as primarily wave-like &#8211; acting as bosons.  Individual particles are indistinguishable and quantum properties, such as spin and charge, are directionally balanced within the single energy entity created by the entangled particles, and so they are also indistinguishable.</p>
<p>In the case of disentangled particles, they would exist in a phase characterized as primarily particle-like &#8211; acting as fermions.  Individual particles possess the same e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.  So a disentangled particle might be an electron always with the same e-m directionality &#8211; in this case with its 2-D electric energy moving outward from system center with every e-m interaction.  The disentangled particle would possess quantum properties that are unidirectional or unbalanced, and therefore distinguishable.</p>
<p>This is not to say that a single energy entity formed by entangled particles would not possess some particle-like behavior due to its gravitational energy gradient, but it would possess predominantly wave-like characteristics due to its directionally balanced constituent particles that act as bosons.</p>
<p>On the other hand, the disentangled particle would possess some wave-like properties due to its <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/electron-structure/">2-D electric energy oscillation</a> through each e-m interaction.  However, since its quantum properties, such as spin and charge are not directionally balanced, it acts as a fermion, and possesses predominantly particle-like properties.</p>
<p>Is it important whether these two energy systems represent phases?  Maybe not, since we already know their properties and behavior.  However, looking at something from a different perspective might spark an idea in someone that might lead to some significant new understanding.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">897</post-id>	</item>
		<title>The curvature of space</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 15 Apr 2018 01:23:39 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=877</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[What causes the curvature of space?  In this model of elementary energy, as in so many others, energy is composed of binary systems, such as matter and anti-matter, protons and electrons, and yin and yang. So what is space composed of?  Let&#8217;s start with space being composed of binary energy systems.  The most fundamental types &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/15/space-is-not-being-straight-with-us/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The curvature of space</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What causes the curvature of space?  In this model of elementary energy, as in so many others, energy is composed of binary systems, such as matter and anti-matter, protons and electrons, and yin and yang.</p>
<p>So what is space composed of?  Let&#8217;s start with space being composed of binary energy systems.  The most fundamental types of energy are kinetic energy and potential energy.  The most fundamental dimension, at least from our perspective, is 1-dimension (1-D).  So let&#8217;s begin with space consisting of basic units of 1-D energy.  To give each basic unit of 1-D energy some flexibility, let&#8217;s allow it to move inward and outward from center while maintaining its total energy.  So when it moves inward, its energy density increases, and when it moves outward, its energy density decreases.  Each bidirectional 1-D unit of energy is composed of confined energy, or energy that has imposed boundaries, in this case, its total energy.  The <em>potential</em> energy of space, then, is the energy confined within each basic 1-D unit of energy of space.  It is essentially &#8220;stored&#8221; energy.</p>
<p>The inherent energy of space will move toward entropy or greater randomness or optimal directional balance.  In other words, it wants to exist at its laziest possible energy level.  So the basic 1-D units of energy of space are in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other in a dynamic equilibrium.  This motion constitutes the <em>kinetic</em> energy of space.</p>
<p>When this random energy of space becomes locally non-random, the non-random energy forms unidirectional, or electric energy, and the energy of space reacts by forming magnetic energy and time energy to provide directional balance to the electric energy.  So, the result is electromagnetic energy.  When electromagnetic energy forms 2-D and 3-D electromagnetic energy systems, this results in confined energy systems in which 2-D or 3-D unidirectional energy moves inward or outward from its system center during electromagnetic interactions.  The energy of surrounding space reacts by forming a gravitational energy gradient inward toward the 2-D or 3-D electromagnetic energy system center.  The <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/gravitational-energy-gradient/">gravitational energy gradient</a> is formed by an increasing ratio of potential energy of space to kinetic energy of space inward toward system center.  So the closer to system center, the greater the proportion of potential energy of space compared to that of kinetic energy of space.  This means that the fabric of space changes inward toward the center of gravity, with more and more basic 1-D units of energy of space and slower and slower rate of motion of the 1-D units of energy of space relative to each other inward toward system center.  This causes the curvature of space near a 2-D or 3-D electromagnetic energy system center.</p>
<p>The same is true for large bodies of electrically neutral mass, such as planets and stars.  For purposes of illustration, let&#8217;s assume that the body of mass possesses roughly the same energy density throughout.  This means that at each radius level (or &#8220;spherical shell&#8221;) outward from system center will consist of more and more total energy.  This creates an energy gradient, and that, along with the difference between the energy density of the body mass compared to that of the inherent energy of space, contributes to static unidirectional energy or an energy gradient.  The energy of surrounding space reacts to provide directional balance to the energy gradient of the body of mass.  Again, the energy of surrounding space forms a gravitational energy gradient by forming an increasing ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy of space inward toward the center of gravity.  And again, this changing ratio of potential energy of space to kinetic energy of space changes the fabric of space, resulting in a <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/curvature-of-space/">curvature of space</a> near a body of mass.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">877</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Communication or something else?</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 08 Apr 2018 20:31:14 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Directional Balance]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=857</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[What happens in entanglement?  In this model, particles are entangled through alternating electromagnetic (e-m) interactions.  If the entangled particles are identical (and opposing), then they also possess interchanging identities with every e-m interaction.  That is, neither can be distinguished from the other. When measured, however, an entangled particle will be &#8220;frozen&#8221; at the identity it &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/08/communication-or-lack-of-communication/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Communication or something else?</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What happens in entanglement?  In this model, particles are entangled through alternating electromagnetic (e-m) interactions.  If the entangled particles are identical (and opposing), then they also possess interchanging identities with every e-m interaction.  That is, neither can be distinguished from the other.</p>
<p>When measured, however, an entangled particle will be &#8220;frozen&#8221; at the identity it has at the instant of measurement.  So if it is an electron (i.e., negative e-m directionality) at the instant of measurement, the measurement will record the particle&#8217;s identity as an electron.  If it is a positron (i.e., positive e-m directionality) at the instant of measurement, that is the identity or unidirectional properties that will be observed.</p>
<p>Without measurement, each identical and opposing entangled partner will possess alternating e-m directionality with each e-m interaction, so that it will go from being a positron to an electron, back to a positron, and so on.  It&#8217;s entangled partner will at the same time go from being an electron to a positron, back to an electron, and so on (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/entanglement/">Entanglement</a>).  The two identical entangled partners will also interchange identities, so that they cannot be distinguished from each other.  Together, they compose a <em>single</em> energy entity.  Imagine the two entangled particles as each being an opposing pole of a single energy system.</p>
<p>What is directional balance?  The inherent energy of space is composed of basic 1-D units of energy in perfect random motion and distribution relative to each other, in a state of dynamic equilibrium with optimal directional balance.  Until, the perfect randomness becomes nonrandom, it will remain directionally balanced, or at its lowest energy level.  Once a portion of it random energy becomes nonrandom, then the nonrandom energy composes unidirectional energy.  And the unidirectional energy is not directionally balanced, and as a result, exists at a higher energy level.</p>
<p>Unidirectional energy, however, can form structures that are directionally balanced, such as entangled particles.  In other words, unidirectional energy can provide some degree of directional balance to other unidirectional energy.</p>
<p>Each of the entangled particles possesses electromagnetic energy with energy in motion relative to system center.  The surrounding energy of space reacts by forming a gravitational energy gradient about each of the entangled particles.  Yet, the gravitational energy gradients change direction with each e-m interaction of the entangled particles, so that even the gravitational energy gradients do not interfere with the total system directional balance &#8230;. as long as the partners remain entangled.</p>
<p>Now, let&#8217;s picture the two entangled particles existing a light-year apart. As identical entangled partners, they compose a single energy entity with optimal directional balance.</p>
<p>When one of the entangled particles interacts with another energy system, it may become disentangled from its original partner.  Let&#8217;s say that the entangled partner was in the positron phase when it interacted with another energy system.  Instantly, we know that its entangled partner, a light-year away was in the electron phase when it became disentangled from its partner.  Is the disentanglement of the particle in the positron phase communicating to its entangled partner to be in the phase with the opposing e-m directionality?  Not in this case.  The particles are entangled because they possess opposing alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.</p>
<p>However, when the particle in the positron phase interacts with a &#8220;external&#8221; particle, then it may no longer possess alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.  So what happens to its formerly entangled partner now in the electron phase?  Since its entangled partner no longer has alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction, then why should it?  It has now become disentangled and the single energy entity the two entangled particles formed no longer exists.  But how can the entangled particle in the electron phase instantly know that its partner is no longer undergoing alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction?</p>
<p>This may not be the right answer, but it seems to be the most obvious answer:  When the entangled partner in the positron phase interacts with an external energy and becomes disentangled from its original partner, now in the electron phase, that partner instantly loses directional balance.  It instantly becomes unidirectional energy, and continues to exist in the electron phase as it goes through e-m interactions.  It no longer alternates e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.</p>
<p>So, does this mean the overall directional balance of the universe has now been affected?  Most likely not.  The overall directional balance of the universe, including the energy of space, and all unidirectional energy systems, most of which are entangled with other unidirectional energy, will equal zero.  That is, if one (-) particle forms, then an equal (+) particle must form to maintain the overall directional balance of the universe.</p>
<p>So when the formerly entangled particle, now in the electron phase, becomes disentangled from its partner, somewhere in the universe, there is another disentangled particle.  There is a twist to this, however.  The twist is that, when a particle in the positron phase becomes disentangled, if it does not instantly interact with another energy system, then it will convert to an electron on the next e-m interaction, and remain an electron until it interacts with another particle.  This is because the positron structure represents a higher energy level than that of its &#8220;sister&#8221; electron, and so it will spontaneously convert to the lower energy electron structure (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/positron-structure/">Positron &#8211; higher energy level</a>).</p>
<p>But when the electron is captured by, or becomes part of an atomic energy system, it will once again take on alternating e-m directionality, becoming entangled with a nucleon partner, and if its orbital is full, with an orbital partner, both with opposing e-m directionality.  So the electron, once again oscillates between the electron structure and the positron structure with every e-m interaction (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/entangled-nucleons/">Entangled nucleons</a>).</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">857</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Gravitational finity</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 07 Apr 2018 23:37:53 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Directional Balance]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Elementary Energy]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=836</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Gravitational energy gradients are formed to provide directional balance to 2-D and 3-D bodies of mass-energy &#8211; from the smallest electromagnetic particles to the largest bodies of mass. Let&#8217;s assume for purposes of discussion that planets possess approximately the same density throughout.  This means that each radius level outward from system center is composed of &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/07/gravitational-finity/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Gravitational finity</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Gravitational energy gradients are formed to provide directional balance to 2-D and 3-D bodies of mass-energy &#8211; from the smallest electromagnetic particles to the largest bodies of mass.</p>
<p>Let&#8217;s assume for purposes of discussion that planets possess approximately the same density throughout.  This means that each radius level outward from system center is composed of more and more total mass or energy.  The least amount of mass per radius level exists at the system center while the greatest amount of mass-energy exists at the outer radius level.  This forms an energy gradient outward from system center.  The surrounding energy of space reacts to provide directional balance to this energy gradient by forming an opposing gravitational energy gradient.  The gravitational energy gradient is most likely also providing directional balance for the difference in energy density between the body of mass and that of surrounding energy of space.</p>
<p>The energy of space forms the gravitational energy gradient through an increasing ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy of space inward toward system center or the center of gravity.  So space possesses a greater ratio of kinetic to potential energy away from the center of gravity, and a greater ratio of potential to kinetic energy nearer and nearer to the center of gravity.</p>
<p>Recall that the potential energy of space is the energy composing the basic 1-D bidirectional units of the energy of space.  The kinetic energy of space consists of the rate of motion of the basic 1-D units of the energy of space relative to each other, and possibly the degree of randomness and distribution of the basic 1-D units of energy relative to each other as well.  Since there is less kinetic energy of space and more potential energy of space nearer and nearer to the center of gravity, there is less kinetic energy for electromagnetic (e-m) interactions.  As a result, the closer to the center of gravity, the slower the rate of e-m interactions.  Since time energy is produced with each e-m interaction, the closer to the center of gravity, the slower the rate of time (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/gravitational-energy-gradient/">Gravitational energy gradient</a>).</p>
<p>The inherent energy of space forms a gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance to the gradient formed by a body of mass-energy.  This means that the inherent energy of space should be able to provide optimal directional balance to the body of mass once the total energy of the gravitational energy gradient is equal to the body of mass for which it is providing directional balance.  And this means that the gravitational energy gradient is finite.  And this has a lot of implications for the physical world.</p>
<p>For example, the gravitational gradient of the earth only extends outward until it possesses the same total energy as that of the earth.  Then it extends no further.  Beyond that range, the earth&#8217;s gravitational energy gradient can only interact with bodies of mass with gravitational energy gradients that extend into the earth&#8217;s gravitational energy gradient.</p>
<p>Of course, the gravitational energy gradient of our sun extends at least outward to the boundaries of our solar system.  On the other hand, bodies of mass at the outer edges of our solar system possess gravitational energy gradients that do not extend to the sun.  It is the gravitational energy gradient of the sun that holds the entire solar system in place and defines the outer boundaries of our solar system.</p>
<p>In the case of elementary 2-D electromagnetic energy systems, such as electrons, the gravitational energy gradient is also finite.  However, the motion of the 2-D electromagnetic energy relative to system center goes through a series of phases similar to a wave.  The 2-D electric energy moves from high energy level to low energy level and then back to high energy level (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/electron-structure/">Electron structure</a>).  As it does, the gravitational energy gradient changes its strength.  When the 2-D electric energy is at its highest energy level, it is at its greatest energy density.  At this point, the gravitational energy gradient is the strongest.  When the 2-D electric energy moves outward toward a lower energy level with less and less density, the gravitational energy gradient becomes weaker and weaker.  The oscillation of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient strength through the phases of the 2-D electromagnetic interaction produces an outward force or pulsation.  This force caused by the changing strength of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient composes the &#8220;charge&#8221; field.</p>
<p>This means that the &#8220;charge&#8221; field of an elementary &#8220;charged&#8221; particle is finite since it is caused by the changing strength of a gravitational energy gradient throughout an electromagnetic interaction.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">836</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Size matters &#8230;. and so does motion</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 07 Apr 2018 02:31:51 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Directional Balance]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=828</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The inherent energy of space wants to exist at its lowest possible energy level &#8211; in a state of dynamic equilibrium in which the basic 1-D energy units of space are in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other. When non-random energy, such as electric energy, or bodies of mass, displace the energy &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/07/size-matters-and-so-does-motion/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Size matters &#8230;. and so does motion</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The inherent energy of space wants to exist at its lowest possible energy level &#8211; in a state of dynamic equilibrium in which the basic 1-D energy units of space are in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other.</p>
<p>When non-random energy, such as electric energy, or bodies of mass, displace the energy of space, intruding on its directional balance, the surrounding energy of space reacts by forming magnetic energy, time energy, and gravitational energy gradients to maintain its directional balance.</p>
<p>Below are two fundamental categories of energy systems:</p>
<p>1)  Energy in motion relative to system center, and</p>
<p>2)  Energy not in motion relative to system center.</p>
<p>Size makes a difference, as does motion, with respect to how the energy system displaces and intrudes on the directional balance of surrounding space.  The inherent energy of space must react to unidirectional, or non-random, energy to maintain its directional balance and lowest possible energy level.</p>
<p>The size and motion of energy relative to its system center also has a major impact on the Schwarzchild radius, but that will be addressed in a future blog.  Larger bodies of mass with no or little energy motion relative to system center possess the Schwarzchild radius as we know it.  Much smaller elementary energy systems that consist of electromagnetic interactions with energy (i.e., electric, magnetic) in motion relative to system center most likely possess a Schwarzchild radius that is significantly different than that for large bodies of mass.</p>
<p>For now, let&#8217;s focus on the type of directional balance required for each of the above categories of energy systems.</p>
<p>1-D photons are composed of energy in motion relative to system center (i.e., the path of v = c).  So are 2-D electrons and 2-D positrons.  3-D atomic energy systems are a little more complicated due to the multiple interactions between and among their constituent particles, so won&#8217;t be addressed here.</p>
<p>In the case of 1-D photons, the 1-D electric energy moves outward from system center toward a lower energy level (less density) by transferring some of its energy to the 1-D energy of adjacent space, which forms a 1-D magnetic energy at right angles to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.  At the same time, the energy of space forms a 1-D time energy at 180 degrees to its &#8220;sister&#8221; 1-D magnetic energy to provide directional balance while allowing the 1-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.  The 1-D time energy immediately dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms.  When the 1-D magnetic energy reaches its highest energy level &#8211; that of the inherent energy of 1-D space &#8211; then it can proceed no further, and starts returning its newly acquired energy back to the 1-D electric energy, forcing it to return to its original high energy level.  The process then repeats itself (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/electromagnetic-energy/">Electromagnetic energy</a>).</p>
<p>In the case of 2-D electrons, the 2-D electric energy moves outward from system center in a 2-D plane toward a lower energy level (less density) by transferring some of its energy to the 2-D energy of adjacent space which forms a perpendicular 2-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 2-D electric energy.  At the same time, the energy of space forms a 2-D time energy at 180 degrees to its &#8220;sister&#8221; 2-D magnetic energy to provide directional balance while allowing the 2-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 2-D electric energy.  The 2-D time energy dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/electron-structure/">Electron structure</a>).  In the case of 2-D energy, the 2-D energy of space also forms a gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance to the 2-D energy system.  Since the 2-D electron structure oscillates from 2-D electric energy at high energy level back to 2-D energy at low energy level, and then repeating the process, this causes the strength of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient to oscillate with it.  The oscillation of strength of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient with every e-m interaction of the 2-D electron results in a changing energy field that composes the &#8220;charge field&#8221; about the electron.</p>
<p>Large bodies of mass, such as planets, are composed, for the most part, of electrically neutral energy.  For purposes of illustration, let&#8217;s assume that large bodies of mass consist of approximately the same energy density throughout.  This means that there is more and more total energy per radius level outward from system center.  This creates an energy gradient outward from system center with the least amount of total energy at system center and the greatest amount of total energy at system surface per radius level.  The 3-D energy of space reacts to provide directional balance to this energy gradient of the body of mass, and most likely, also for the energy density differential between the body of mass and that of surrounding space.  In the case of a large body of mass, its energy does not move relative to system center, and therefore the strength of its 3-D gravitational energy gradient remains constant (see <a href="http://entangledenergy.net/index.php/gravitational-energy-gradient/">Gravitational energy gradient</a>).  As a result, the gravitational energy gradient of a large body of mass is static and does not compose a &#8220;charge field&#8221; as in the case of 2-D elementary energy particles.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">828</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Random thoughts about nothing</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 06 Apr 2018 01:36:12 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Directional Balance]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://entangledenergy.net/?p=814</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Why should randomness be the ultimate goal of existence?  Why couldn&#8217;t perfect order be that ideal state of existence?  If &#8220;nothingness&#8221; represents perfect order, then it possesses lowest possible entropy, and lack of any randomness.  Why couldn&#8217;t &#8220;nothing&#8221; be satisfied with this arrangement? One thing &#8220;nothingness&#8221; eliminates, along with everything else, is probability.  In the &#8230; <a href="https://entangledenergy.net/index.php/2018/04/06/random-thoughts-about-nothing/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Random thoughts about nothing</span></a>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Why should randomness be the ultimate goal of existence?  Why couldn&#8217;t perfect order be that ideal state of existence?  If &#8220;nothingness&#8221; represents perfect order, then it possesses lowest possible entropy, and lack of any randomness.  Why couldn&#8217;t &#8220;nothing&#8221; be satisfied with this arrangement?</p>
<p>One thing &#8220;nothingness&#8221; eliminates, along with everything else, is probability.  In the case of &#8220;nothingness&#8221; with perfect non-randomness, it represents the lowest possible probability.  There is one possibility.  There are no other options.  There is only a state of perfect order.  &#8220;Nothing&#8221; is nothing.  It can never be something else.  And this represents the highest possible energy level.</p>
<p>However, all existence moves toward maximum entropy, or disorder.  It moves toward perfect randomness, maximum probability, and maximum possibilities.  The purest probability represents entropy, and maximum possibilities.  This includes &#8220;nothingness.&#8221;  You may argue that &#8220;nothing&#8221; is nothing, it doesn&#8217;t exist.  And you might be right.  But could &#8220;nothing&#8221; move toward a lower energy level or lazier existence by producing more and more randomness, moving toward entropy?  It could do this by forming opposing identical pairs of &#8220;somethingness&#8221; so that if these pairs were combined, they would once again form &#8220;nothingness.&#8221;  This may be the earliest ancestor of entanglement.</p>
<p>But, we can discuss this production of pairs of &#8220;somethingness&#8221; (e.g., electron and positron, etc.) in a future blog.  For now, let&#8217;s focus on randomness, probability, and possibilities.</p>
<p>Consider the double-slit experiment.  Photons or electrons are &#8220;shot&#8221; at the double-slits and exist in any number of possible positions.  The &#8220;particles&#8221; apparently exist as wavelike structures that pass through both slits at the same time, showing up as interference patterns on the screen behind the double slits.  The interference pattern looks just like the pattern that would be created by waves of water flowing through the double slits and hitting the screen.  The strongest interference pattern exists at the center of the interference distribution and the patterns get weaker outward from center, analogous to a &#8220;normal distribution.&#8221;  The particle can exist in any position along this normal distribution, but has the highest probability of existing near the center of the normal curve and less and less probability of existing outward from the center.  So the particles shot through the double slits possess a degree of probability in terms of position.  For each particle, it&#8217;s position has a lot of possibilities governed by probability.</p>
<p>When a device measures which slit the particle passed through, then an odd thing happens.  The pattern on the screen consists of two dominant lines only, as if solid objects passed through the two slits.  There is no evidence of wavelike behavior.  There is only evidence of solid objects passing through one or the other slit.  In this case, the position of the particle has only two possibilities:  the particle passes through the left slit or it passes through the right slit.  In this case, there is less randomness, less entropy, and few possibilities compared to the unmeasured particles that, for some reason, pass through the slits as a wavelike structure.</p>
<p>In terms of particle position, the wavelike structure passing through both slits at the same time has greater randomness, greater entropy, and more possibilities than when the position of the particle is measured with a detector.  When the position of the particle is measured, there is only one possibility.  It has passed through one of the two slits.  When its position is measured, all the possibilities of its position have collapsed into one possible position &#8211; the position at which it was observed.  In the case of measured position, there is less randomness, less entropy, and only one possibility.</p>
<p>So the wavelike structure exists at the lower energy level while the particle, once observed, exists at a higher energy level.  So, at least in this case, the wavelike structure is the preferred existence, since it has greater randomness, greater entropy, and more possibilities.  It exists at a lower energy level.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">814</post-id>	</item>