Positron – higher energy level

The positron has a higher energy level structure than an electron. The positron consists of 2-D electric (unidirectional) energy flowing inward toward system center, with 1-D electric energy flowing outward from system center along its axis of spin. When elementary energy moves from lower density to higher density, it’s like a river flowing uphill – it is not spontaneous – and for a river, it would take added energy and containment.  On the other hand, when elementary energy moves from higher density to lower density (as in the case of an electron), this is a natural and spontaneous motion – analogous to a river flowing downhill.

The displacement order of 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D space by electric (unidirectional) plays a role in the positron’s higher energy level structure. In order to move toward a lower energy level, all unidirectional energy must displace the energy of space. Unidirectional energy moves toward a lower energy level by transferring some of its energy to adjacent 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D space. The easiest space to displace is 1-D, followed by 2-D, with 3-D space requiring the greatest effort to displace. In the case of the positron, the directionality of its 2-D electric energy governs whether or not the positron has a low energy level structure. Since the positron’s 2-D electric energy moves from a low energy level to a higher energy level, it represents a higher energy level structure than an electron, in which the 2-D electric energy moves from a high to low energy level.

The positron, then is not likely to exist as an isolated (not interacting with another energy system) charged particle, but will only exist when it is entangled with or directionally balanced by another energy system. For example, a positron may exist as an entangled partner of an electron or a neutrino, each with alternating e-m directionality with each e-m interaction to provide directional balance.  If the 2-D positron is entangled with a 1-D neutrino, it will have a charge field since it has a gravitational energy gradient while the 1-D neutrino does not.  So this is not likely to be a stable entanglement and will be short-lived.