Entangled nucleons

A strong gravitational energy gradient converges on the atomic nucleus to its center. The radius of the nucleus is analogous to the Schwarzchild radius of larger bodies of mass, so the gravitational gradient near and within the atomic nucleus is very strong.

The nuclear e+-/e-+ particles exist at corresponding energy levels to those of their entangled orbital e-+/e+- partners (Note:  e+-/e-+ designates particles that alternate between e- and e+ e-m directionality with every e-m interaction).  The orbital e-+/e+- particles exist in regions of much less gravitational energy gradient strength, with a much faster rate of e-m interaction, and correspondingly faster rate of time.

The nuclear e+- particles existing at corresponding energy levels to those of their entangled orbital partners possess the same faster rate of e-m interactions as their orbital e-+ partners, even though they exist within a region of strong gravitational energy gradient with a slower rate of e-m interaction, and slower rate of time (time dilation). This provides optimal directional balance.  As a result, the nucleons are significantly larger in size than their entangled e-+ orbital particles.

However…. One could ask which was ‘born’ first inside the core of a star – the nucleus or the orbital e-+/e+- particles? If the nucleus was created first, then the nuclear e+-/e-+ particles, with an inherently high rate of e-m interaction, control the rate of e-m interactions of their corrsponding entangled orbital e-+/e+- partners. The orbital e-+/e+- particles, then, would have to exist at relatively great distances from the nucleus in regions of weak gravitational energy gradient to possess the high rates of e-m interaction necessary for the orbital e-+/e+- particles to take on enough energy to be entangled with their nuclear partners and to provide directional balance to the atomic energy system.