Centers of gravity in entanglement

While entangled particles do not experience net directionality between them (spin, charge, time, additional distance), they still each consist of electromagnetic interactions, with 2-D electric energy in motion (acceleration, deceleration) relative to system center. The relatively small size of the 2-D e-m particles, along with the 2-D electric energy in motion relative to system center, result in a radius analogous to the Schwarzchild radius of macroscopic bodies of “mass.”

Although from the entangled particles’ frame of reference, they exist in a state of directional balance, adjacent space has its own frame of reference, and cannot be “fooled.” The energy of adjacent space forms a strong gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance to the e-+/e+- and e+-/e-+ particles, thereby maintaining its own directional balance. From the perspective of adjacent space, it provides a gravitational energy gradient to each individual particle, and it “sees” two centers of gravity, one in the center of each entangled particle. The gravitational energy gradients of the two entangled particles overlap with each other, resulting in wave-like properties.

If an observer does not take a measurement, he/she/it will “see” or experience the center of gravity of entangled particles as existing midway between them. We are observing the entire energy system, and so we “see” the average effects of the energy system, which places the center of gravity midway between the entangled particles. This may create the wave-like properties observed in the 2-slit experiment.

If an observer “measures” a property of the entangled energy system, he/she/it focuses on that property resulting in proportionally less focus on all other properties of the energy system. A “measurer,” then, observes a single particle, and “sees” or experiences the center of gravity existing in the center of that particle – and as a result, observes particle-like properties as in the 2-slit experiment.