Basic 1-D units of energy of space

In this model, space itself is composed of basic 1-D bidirectional units of energy in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other.  The 1-D bidirectional units of energy may each move outward toward lower energy density or inward toward higher energy density to maintain the inherent energy density of space.  The randomness of motion and distribution of the basic 1-D units of energy also maintain the inherent energy density and directional balance of space.

But, there may be another component of 1-D bidirectional units of space that contributes to the directional balance of the inherent energy of space.  When each of the 1-D bidirectional units of energy move outward from or inward to its center, its total energy remains the same.  In other words, all 1-D bidirectional units of energy of space each possess the same amount of total energy.  They can only vary their 1-D energy density to accommodate their local environment.

However, each 1-D bidirectional unit of energy probably spins in opposing directions along its length whenever it moves outward from center or inward to system center.  When the 1-D energy moves relative to its system center in opposing directions, it needs to maintain optimal directional balance, and may do so by each side spinning along its length in opposing directions.  This sets up the same poles at each end with an opposing pole existing at system center.

This spin is significant with elementary particles as well.  Opposing energies may require spin to provide optimal directional balance.  For example, 1-D photons consist of three energies:  1-D electric, 1-D magnetic, and 1-D time.  When a 1-D electric energy moves outward toward a lower energy level by transferring some of its energy to the inherent energy of space, the energy of space reacts by forming a 1-D magnetic component to directionally balance the 1-D electric energy.  As the 1-D magnetic energy forms, a 1-D time energy forms at 180 degrees to its “sister” magnetic energy to provide directional balance to the 1-D magnetic energy, and thereby maintain the directional balance of the inherent energy of space.  As the 1-D time energy forms, it immediately dissipates back into the random energy of space.  This allows its “sister” magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.

The 1-D magnetic energy and the 1-D time energy are provided by the inherent of space, and are most likely produced from a single basic 1-D bidirectional unit of 1-D space, with 1/2 of the basic 1-D unit of energy forming the 1-D magnetic energy and the opposing 1/2 of the basic 1-D unit of energy forming the 1-D time energy.  The maximum amount of 1-D magnetic energy per electromagnetic interaction, then, would be equal to one-half of a basic 1-D bidirectional unit of energy of space.