The curvature of space

What causes the curvature of space?  In this model of elementary energy, as in so many others, energy is composed of binary systems, such as matter and anti-matter, protons and electrons, and yin and yang.

So what is space composed of?  Let’s start with space being composed of binary energy systems.  The most fundamental types of energy are kinetic energy and potential energy.  The most fundamental dimension, at least from our perspective, is 1-dimension (1-D).  So let’s begin with space consisting of basic units of 1-D energy.  To give each basic unit of 1-D energy some flexibility, let’s allow it to move inward and outward from center while maintaining its total energy.  So when it moves inward, its energy density increases, and when it moves outward, its energy density decreases.  Each bidirectional 1-D unit of energy is composed of confined energy, or energy that has imposed boundaries, in this case, its total energy.  The potential energy of space, then, is the energy confined within each basic 1-D unit of energy of space.  It is essentially “stored” energy.

The inherent energy of space will move toward entropy or greater randomness or optimal directional balance.  In other words, it wants to exist at its laziest possible energy level.  So the basic 1-D units of energy of space are in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other in a dynamic equilibrium.  This motion constitutes the kinetic energy of space.

When this random energy of space becomes locally non-random, the non-random energy forms unidirectional, or electric energy, and the energy of space reacts by forming magnetic energy and time energy to provide directional balance to the electric energy.  So, the result is electromagnetic energy.  When electromagnetic energy forms 2-D and 3-D electromagnetic energy systems, this results in confined energy systems in which 2-D or 3-D unidirectional energy moves inward or outward from its system center during electromagnetic interactions.  The energy of surrounding space reacts by forming a gravitational energy gradient inward toward the 2-D or 3-D electromagnetic energy system center.  The gravitational energy gradient is formed by an increasing ratio of potential energy of space to kinetic energy of space inward toward system center.  So the closer to system center, the greater the proportion of potential energy of space compared to that of kinetic energy of space.  This means that the fabric of space changes inward toward the center of gravity, with more and more basic 1-D units of energy of space and slower and slower rate of motion of the 1-D units of energy of space relative to each other inward toward system center.  This causes the curvature of space near a 2-D or 3-D electromagnetic energy system center.

The same is true for large bodies of electrically neutral mass, such as planets and stars.  For purposes of illustration, let’s assume that the body of mass possesses roughly the same energy density throughout.  This means that at each radius level (or “spherical shell”) outward from system center will consist of more and more total energy.  This creates an energy gradient, and that, along with the difference between the energy density of the body mass compared to that of the inherent energy of space, contributes to static unidirectional energy or an energy gradient.  The energy of surrounding space reacts to provide directional balance to the energy gradient of the body of mass.  Again, the energy of surrounding space forms a gravitational energy gradient by forming an increasing ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy of space inward toward the center of gravity.  And again, this changing ratio of potential energy of space to kinetic energy of space changes the fabric of space, resulting in a curvature of space near a body of mass.