Communication or something else?

What happens in entanglement?  In this model, particles are entangled through alternating electromagnetic (e-m) interactions.  If the entangled particles are identical (and opposing), then they also possess interchanging identities with every e-m interaction.  That is, neither can be distinguished from the other.

When measured, however, an entangled particle will be “frozen” at the identity it has at the instant of measurement.  So if it is an electron (i.e., negative e-m directionality) at the instant of measurement, the measurement will record the particle’s identity as an electron.  If it is a positron (i.e., positive e-m directionality) at the instant of measurement, that is the identity or unidirectional properties that will be observed.

Without measurement, each identical and opposing entangled partner will possess alternating e-m directionality with each e-m interaction, so that it will go from being a positron to an electron, back to a positron, and so on.  It’s entangled partner will at the same time go from being an electron to a positron, back to an electron, and so on (see Entanglement).  The two identical entangled partners will also interchange identities, so that they cannot be distinguished from each other.  Together, they compose a single energy entity.  Imagine the two entangled particles as each being an opposing pole of a single energy system.

What is directional balance?  The inherent energy of space is composed of basic 1-D units of energy in perfect random motion and distribution relative to each other, in a state of dynamic equilibrium with optimal directional balance.  Until, the perfect randomness becomes nonrandom, it will remain directionally balanced, or at its lowest energy level.  Once a portion of it random energy becomes nonrandom, then the nonrandom energy composes unidirectional energy.  And the unidirectional energy is not directionally balanced, and as a result, exists at a higher energy level.

Unidirectional energy, however, can form structures that are directionally balanced, such as entangled particles.  In other words, unidirectional energy can provide some degree of directional balance to other unidirectional energy.

Each of the entangled particles possesses electromagnetic energy with energy in motion relative to system center.  The surrounding energy of space reacts by forming a gravitational energy gradient about each of the entangled particles.  Yet, the gravitational energy gradients change direction with each e-m interaction of the entangled particles, so that even the gravitational energy gradients do not interfere with the total system directional balance …. as long as the partners remain entangled.

Now, let’s picture the two entangled particles existing a light-year apart. As identical entangled partners, they compose a single energy entity with optimal directional balance.

When one of the entangled particles interacts with another energy system, it may become disentangled from its original partner.  Let’s say that the entangled partner was in the positron phase when it interacted with another energy system.  Instantly, we know that its entangled partner, a light-year away was in the electron phase when it became disentangled from its partner.  Is the disentanglement of the particle in the positron phase communicating to its entangled partner to be in the phase with the opposing e-m directionality?  Not in this case.  The particles are entangled because they possess opposing alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.

However, when the particle in the positron phase interacts with a “external” particle, then it may no longer possess alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.  So what happens to its formerly entangled partner now in the electron phase?  Since its entangled partner no longer has alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction, then why should it?  It has now become disentangled and the single energy entity the two entangled particles formed no longer exists.  But how can the entangled particle in the electron phase instantly know that its partner is no longer undergoing alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction?

This may not be the right answer, but it seems to be the most obvious answer:  When the entangled partner in the positron phase interacts with an external energy and becomes disentangled from its original partner, now in the electron phase, that partner instantly loses directional balance.  It instantly becomes unidirectional energy, and continues to exist in the electron phase as it goes through e-m interactions.  It no longer alternates e-m directionality with every e-m interaction.

So, does this mean the overall directional balance of the universe has now been affected?  Most likely not.  The overall directional balance of the universe, including the energy of space, and all unidirectional energy systems, most of which are entangled with other unidirectional energy, will equal zero.  That is, if one (-) particle forms, then an equal (+) particle must form to maintain the overall directional balance of the universe.

So when the formerly entangled particle, now in the electron phase, becomes disentangled from its partner, somewhere in the universe, there is another disentangled particle.  There is a twist to this, however.  The twist is that, when a particle in the positron phase becomes disentangled, if it does not instantly interact with another energy system, then it will convert to an electron on the next e-m interaction, and remain an electron until it interacts with another particle.  This is because the positron structure represents a higher energy level than that of its “sister” electron, and so it will spontaneously convert to the lower energy electron structure (see Positron – higher energy level).

But when the electron is captured by, or becomes part of an atomic energy system, it will once again take on alternating e-m directionality, becoming entangled with a nucleon partner, and if its orbital is full, with an orbital partner, both with opposing e-m directionality.  So the electron, once again oscillates between the electron structure and the positron structure with every e-m interaction (see Entangled nucleons).