Size matters …. and so does motion

The inherent energy of space wants to exist at its lowest possible energy level – in a state of dynamic equilibrium in which the basic 1-D energy units of space are in constant random motion and distribution relative to each other.

When non-random energy, such as electric energy, or bodies of mass, displace the energy of space, intruding on its directional balance, the surrounding energy of space reacts by forming magnetic energy, time energy, and gravitational energy gradients to maintain its directional balance.

Below are two fundamental categories of energy systems:

1)  Energy in motion relative to system center, and

2)  Energy not in motion relative to system center.

Size makes a difference, as does motion, with respect to how the energy system displaces and intrudes on the directional balance of surrounding space.  The inherent energy of space must react to unidirectional, or non-random, energy to maintain its directional balance and lowest possible energy level.

The size and motion of energy relative to its system center also has a major impact on the Schwarzchild radius, but that will be addressed in a future blog.  Larger bodies of mass with no or little energy motion relative to system center possess the Schwarzchild radius as we know it.  Much smaller elementary energy systems that consist of electromagnetic interactions with energy (i.e., electric, magnetic) in motion relative to system center most likely possess a Schwarzchild radius that is significantly different than that for large bodies of mass.

For now, let’s focus on the type of directional balance required for each of the above categories of energy systems.

1-D photons are composed of energy in motion relative to system center (i.e., the path of v = c).  So are 2-D electrons and 2-D positrons.  3-D atomic energy systems are a little more complicated due to the multiple interactions between and among their constituent particles, so won’t be addressed here.

In the case of 1-D photons, the 1-D electric energy moves outward from system center toward a lower energy level (less density) by transferring some of its energy to the 1-D energy of adjacent space, which forms a 1-D magnetic energy at right angles to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.  At the same time, the energy of space forms a 1-D time energy at 180 degrees to its “sister” 1-D magnetic energy to provide directional balance while allowing the 1-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 1-D electric energy.  The 1-D time energy immediately dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms.  When the 1-D magnetic energy reaches its highest energy level – that of the inherent energy of 1-D space – then it can proceed no further, and starts returning its newly acquired energy back to the 1-D electric energy, forcing it to return to its original high energy level.  The process then repeats itself (see Electromagnetic energy).

In the case of 2-D electrons, the 2-D electric energy moves outward from system center in a 2-D plane toward a lower energy level (less density) by transferring some of its energy to the 2-D energy of adjacent space which forms a perpendicular 2-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 2-D electric energy.  At the same time, the energy of space forms a 2-D time energy at 180 degrees to its “sister” 2-D magnetic energy to provide directional balance while allowing the 2-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the 2-D electric energy.  The 2-D time energy dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms (see Electron structure).  In the case of 2-D energy, the 2-D energy of space also forms a gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance to the 2-D energy system.  Since the 2-D electron structure oscillates from 2-D electric energy at high energy level back to 2-D energy at low energy level, and then repeating the process, this causes the strength of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient to oscillate with it.  The oscillation of strength of the 2-D gravitational energy gradient with every e-m interaction of the 2-D electron results in a changing energy field that composes the “charge field” about the electron.

Large bodies of mass, such as planets, are composed, for the most part, of electrically neutral energy.  For purposes of illustration, let’s assume that large bodies of mass consist of approximately the same energy density throughout.  This means that there is more and more total energy per radius level outward from system center.  This creates an energy gradient outward from system center with the least amount of total energy at system center and the greatest amount of total energy at system surface per radius level.  The 3-D energy of space reacts to provide directional balance to this energy gradient of the body of mass, and most likely, also for the energy density differential between the body of mass and that of surrounding space.  In the case of a large body of mass, its energy does not move relative to system center, and therefore the strength of its 3-D gravitational energy gradient remains constant (see Gravitational energy gradient).  As a result, the gravitational energy gradient of a large body of mass is static and does not compose a “charge field” as in the case of 2-D elementary energy particles.