Energy gradients

All energy prefers to exist at its laziest possible energy level or energy state.  The laziest possible energy level may be where the energy is directionally balanced, where the energy exists in a position with the lowest amount of force or unidirectional energy acting on it, or where it exists in a structure that provides not only directional balance, but structural stability.

Energy by itself generally moves from a position of higher energy to a position of lower energy, or from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, or from a higher energy state to a lower energy state.

So the following are some gradients that energy follows in nature:

Order to disorder

Non-random to random

Hot to cold

Less directional balance to more directional balance

Higher dimensionality to lower dimensionality

Unidirectionality to entanglement

More density to less density

Weaker gravitational energy gradient to stronger gravitational energy gradient

Less stable structure to more stable structure

More work to less work

More pressure to less pressure

High energy level to low energy level

Energy to mass

Unidirectionality to annihilation (in the absence of directional balance)

It’s interesting to think about a large body of mass, such as a planet or a star.  The body of mass has a strong gravitational energy gradient, and the gradient moves from higher energy (greater kinetic energy) to lower energy (greater potential energy) inward toward the center of gravity – as expected.  For the sake of illustration, we’ll assume that the energy density is roughly the same throughout the body of mass.  However, there is less pressure away from the center of gravity and more pressure near the center of gravity – moving from lower energy to high energy level inward toward system center.  And the temperature will be lower away from the center of gravity and highest near the center of gravity, partly because of the higher pressure and partly because of the much smaller volume.  So temperature and pressure do not exist the the direction of laziest possible existence inward toward the body of mass.  Instead, their gradients move toward system center from a low energy level to a high energy level.

However, due to the gravitational gradient increasing its ratio of potential energy to the kinetic energy of space inward toward the body of mass and center of gravity, there will be more lethargic energy, and therefore a slower rate of electromagnetic (e-m) interaction, and a correspondingly slower rate of time.

So, the gravitational energy gradient moves from higher energy level to lower energy level inward toward a body of mass and center of gravity.  And as a result, the rate of e-m interaction decreases, and correspondingly, the rate of time decreases.

On the other hand, pressure and temperature move from lower energy level to higher energy level inward toward a body of mass due to decreasing volume within the gravitational energy gradient toward center of gravity, among other variables.