Dimensionality of energy

To review, the energy of space is composed of 1-D bidirectional units of energy in constant, random motion and distribution relative to each other, creating a dynamic equilibrium.  The random motion and distribution of 1-D units of energy of space result in the formation of 2-D and 3-D space to create and maximize randomness.

However, when the energy of space becomes nonrandom, it forms unidirectional, or electric, energy.  The electric energy is composed of one dimension, just as the basic 1-D units of the energy of space.  The 1-D electric energy is unidirectional, so the energy of space reacts to provide directional balance by forming 1-D magnetic energy perpendicular to the 1-D electric energy to provide maximum directional balance.  However, the formation of 1-D magnetic energy by the energy of space creates an imbalance of space itself, and so a “sister” 1-D time energy forms with the 1-D magnetic energy.  Both are formed from the energy of space.

The 1-D time energy forms at 180 degrees to its “sister” 1-D magnetic energy to exert a minimal effect on it other than providing directional balance.  This allows the 1-D magnetic energy to provide maximum directional balance to the unidirectional 1-D electric energy.

Unlike 1-D magnetic energy, 1-D time energy dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms.  This again minimizes its effect on its “sister” 1-D magnetic energy.

When 1-D unidirectional energy becomes too large for 1-D magnetic energy to provide adequate directional balance, then it transforms into 2-D “confined” energy, such as an electron or a positron.  The 2-D energy is then directionally balanced by the formation of 2-D magnetic energy along with 2-D time energy.  As in the case of 1-D time energy, 2-D time energy dissipates back into the random energy of space as it forms, resulting in system “spin.”

In addition to 2-D magnetic energy, a 2-D gravitational energy gradient also forms to provide directional balance to the 2-D electric energy system.  This is because the 2-D electric energy is confined and its structure results in 2-D energy density that may differ from that of the energy of space.   It also forms an energy gradient outward from system center due to different amounts of total energy per radius level outward from system center, where the 2-D energy density is the same throughout the 2-D energy system.  The energy of space forms a gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance to the gradients of a body of mass outward from system center.  The energy of space produces a gravitational energy gradient through increasing the ratio of its potential energy to its kinetic energy inward toward the body of mass.

Note that it is not possible for a 1-D photon to have a gravitational energy gradient since it requires either 2-D or 3-D space to form since the gravitational gradient consists of a varying ration of potential energy to its kinetic energy, and this is not possible in 1-D space.

Protons and neutrons are examples of 3-D energy, and consist of constituent particles.  In this model, protons consist of three constituent particles:  a central e+ particle (positron) confined by two directionally opposing particles with alternating e-m directionality with every e-m interaction:  an e+-/e-+ particle and an e-+/e+- particle.  For reference, the e-+/e+- particle is a particle with alternating e-m directionality that is currently an electron and with the next e-m interaction will become a positron.

So, is there elementary energy that is actually 3-D?  Or are 3-D structures simply composed of components of 2-D energy?  If a 3-D energy system, such as a proton, possesses energy outward in three dimensions from system center, then it is likely that the energy of adjacent space would form a 3-D gravitational energy gradient to provide directional balance for the gradient formed by the 3-D energy of the proton outward from system center.

Atomic energy systems consist of 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D energy.  Entanglement plays a major role in the structure of atomic energy systems.  Entanglement provides directional balance between and among identical and non-identical energy components of the atomic energy system.  Gravitational energy gradients also play a major role in the make up of atomic energy systems.

Gravitational energy gradients can only occur in 2-D and 3-D space since it is formed by a ratio of the potential energy to kinetic energy of space inward toward system center.

The potential energy of space consists of its basic 1-D units of energy.  The kinetic energy of space consists of the rate of motion of its basic 1-D units of energy relative to each other.  As a result, a gravitational energy gradient cannot be formed in 1-D space. So 1-D energy is “massless.” It cannot be confined or directionally balanced by a gravitational energy gradient.  So is v = c somehow related to the lack of a gravitational energy gradient?  Is the path of a massless photon “traveling” at v = c  analogous to the center of gravity?

The degree of randomness or nonrandomness of motion and distribution of the basic 1-D units of energy of space may also contribute to the potential or kinetic energy of space, but this is beyond my scope of understanding (and certainly beyond my math abilities).